Good Friday Worship

Apr 10, 2020    Worship Team

The Solid Rock Writing Prompt

The objective of this worship meditative experience is to offer your heart to Christ through the recognition of your tendency to “build” our lives on things that bear no fruit, the “the sweetest frames” that the world has to offer, replacing them with the strongest and most firm foundations in Christ’s love and death given on our behalf. If our lives might be built completely on His Oath, His Covenant, & His Blood, we might find hope, rest, and peace throughout ALL circumstances in our lives.

Part I: Listen/Watch the video and sit with the Holy Spirit’s nudges towards the specific lyrics, words, or thoughts that come to mind. Let them stay for a moment. Write them down. (Not whole sentences but just words.) Don’t move away from them so quickly, but admit and recognize your tendency to wander and even believe that the world offers something better. Confess your inabilities to follow Him well. Look over the words you’ve written and confess the lack of fruit in your life when following the plans you think best for your life.

Part II: Listen/Watch the video a second time and let the Holy Spirit suggest words of hope to replace your words of confession. Let Him move you to the hope we have when building your life on the Solid Rock. Let the words of confession leave your heart, and as you write, acknowledge and remove your best “plans” in order to create space for the “Firm Foundation” of the “Solid Rock” of God. Our hope is found in His Word, His Wath, His Covenant, and His blood.

Tell a loved one how you long to see the fruit of a life that abides completely in Christ. Let them encourage you in your pursuit of a life centered in Christ’s grace, mercy, love, and GOOD fruit.

West Ridge Worship