Youth will experience community in the context of Worship, Bible Study, Small Groups, Games, Community Time, and Outreach Activities.
We value relationships and believe spending this time together provides opportunity for personal, relational and spiritual growth.
We value relationships and believe spending this time together provides opportunity for personal, relational and spiritual growth.
Lessons will be based on the Bible and will help youth know how to apply the message of grace and truth in their everyday lives. Lessons will not be sit-and-get! Youth will have opportunities to discuss lessons with age-level small groups (and adult sponsors).
We also believe that we are called to GO and practice our faith through outreach!! Some of the ways we do this are by going on mission trips, reaching out to our surrounding neighborhood, serving within our church community, and by encouraging students to share the light of Christ in their schools and homes!
We also believe that we are called to GO and practice our faith through outreach!! Some of the ways we do this are by going on mission trips, reaching out to our surrounding neighborhood, serving within our church community, and by encouraging students to share the light of Christ in their schools and homes!
Of COURSE THERE WILL BE FUN!!! Games, challenges, sports, art, outside activities, retreats, small group fun nights, summer camp, and holiday events are some things West Ridge Youth have planned this year. Whether you are introverted or extroverted, you are welcome here!